We Gotta Talk Podcast: An Interview With StereoType Founder, Elizabeth Brunner

Interview by Sonni Abatta on "We Gotta Talk," a weekly Digital Talk Show
A Week Exploring Kids and Gender, Interviewing Experts in the Field and a Digital Fashion Show with Elizabeth Brunner of StereoType.
"Let’s talk about kids fashion and how it remains stereotypical with pink unicorns for girls and superhero t-shirts for boys. Why isn’t it gender free? What if your daughter loves Batman and your son loves tutus, what do you do? Enter the most amazing line of gender free kids clothing, StereoType by Elizabeth Brunner! Elizabeth is both a designer and passionate parent who knew there was something missing in the children’s fashion world and has created a brilliant line of blended fashion that is wearable, well-designed, and fun. We’re talking a skirt that doubles as a cape and much more that you can see on our LIVE mini fashion show along with Elizabeth’s story behind StereoType!"
Watch on Youtube: We Gotta Talk
Watch on Youtube: We Gotta Talk